Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge)
TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge)

Before you jump to TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Tips For Living Green And Saving Money Within the Kitchen.

Until fairly recently any person who indicated concern about the degradation of the environment raised skeptical eyebrows. Those days are over, and it appears we all realize our role in stopping and possibly reversing the damage being done to our planet. Unless everyone begins to start living a lot more environmentally friendly we won’t be able to fix the problems of the environment. This needs to happen soon and living in approaches more friendly to the environment should become a mission for every individual family. Read on for some approaches to go green and save energy, largely in the kitchen.

While it may not taste as good, baking food in the microwave as an alternative to in the oven will save you a packet of money. As soon as you find out it will require 75% more energy to cook in the oven, you could possibly look for more ways to use the microwave. In comparison with your stove, you can make boiled water as well as steamed vegetables faster, and use considerably less energy, by using countertop appliances. You could well be forgiven for thinking that an automatic dishwasher uses a lot more energy than washing dishes the old-fashioned manner, but you would be wrong. You get the highest energy savings by completely loading the dishwasher ahead of commencing a wash cycle. Don’t dry the dishes using heat, make use of the cool dry or air dry options to increase the money you save.

As you can see, there are many little items that you can do to save energy, and save money, in the kitchen alone. It is reasonably uncomplicated to live green, after all. It’s related to being practical, more often than not.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to tinotuan / bubur manado (manado vegetable porridge) recipe. You can cook tinotuan / bubur manado (manado vegetable porridge) using 20 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge):
  1. You need rice, washed and drained
  2. Prepare pumpkin, Chopped
  3. Use sweet potato, chopped
  4. You need cob sweetcorn, extract the kernels
  5. Use spinach, washed
  6. Get water convolvulus, washed (optional)
  7. Prepare string beans, cut into 2 cm pieces
  8. Get salt
  9. Use lemon grass, bruised
  10. Take Sambal dabu-dabu :
  11. Provide Finely slice 3-4 red chilies, 6 bird's eye chilies & 3 shallots
  12. Use Mix well with 1 chopped tomatoe
  13. Take lime juice and 1/2 teaspoon salt
  14. Prepare Fried salted fish:
  15. Get Cut salted fish into 2 cm pieces and soak with boiling water
  16. Provide Let it stand until cooled, wash pat it dry, then fry
  17. Provide Grilled fish:
  18. Get Wash tuna fish and rub with 1/2 teaspoon salt
  19. Take ginger and 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  20. Get Grilled until cooked
Steps to make TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge):
  1. Add water level to a level 3 - 5 cm above the rice level. Boil until almost cooked.
  2. Add pumpkin, sweet potato and corn. When they are cooked, add vegetables and salt.
  3. Cook until the cereal thickens. Serve with sambal and fried salted fish.

Buburnya tidak pakai daging melainkan sayur dan umbi-umbian yang sering ditemui di Manado.

If you find this TINOTUAN / BUBUR MANADO (Manado Vegetable Porridge) recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.