Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Arroz con coco y camarones secos recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Arroz con coco y camarones secos
Arroz con coco y camarones secos

Before you jump to Arroz con coco y camarones secos recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Ways To Live Green And also Conserve Money In The Kitchen.

Remember when the only men and women who cared about the ecosystem were tree huggers as well as hippies? That has completely changed now, since we all apparently have an awareness that the planet is having difficulties, and we all have a part to play in fixing it. According to the industry experts, to clean up the natural environment we are all going to have to make some improvements. This must happen soon and living in ways more friendly to the environment should become an objective for every individual family. The kitchen is a good place to start saving energy by going a lot more green.

Changing light bulbs is definitely as good an area to begin with as any. This will go outside of the kitchen, nevertheless that is okay. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs are generally energy-savers, and you will need to use them in place of incandescent lights. They cost somewhat more in the beginning, but they last ten times longer, and use less electricity. Changing the light bulbs would likely keep a great deal of bulbs out of the landfills, which is good. Together with different light bulbs, you need to learn to leave the lights off whenever they are not needed. In the kitchen is where you’ll frequently discover members of a family, and often the lights may not be turned off until the last person goes to bed. Of course this also happens in different rooms, not merely the kitchen. Make a routine of having the lights on only when they are needed, and you’ll be astonished at the amount of electricity you save.

From the above it really should be apparent that just in the kitchen, by itself, there are lots of little opportunities for saving energy and money. Green living just isn’t that tough. It’s about being practical, most of the time.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to arroz con coco y camarones secos recipe. To cook arroz con coco y camarones secos you only need 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Arroz con coco y camarones secos:
  1. Prepare 1/2 cebolla
  2. Provide 1 Tomate
  3. Prepare 1/2 bunch Perejil
  4. Prepare 1 cup camarones secos
  5. Use 1 1/2 tbsp Aceite de oliva
  6. Provide 1 1/2 cup Arroz
  7. Take 2 cup Leche de coco
  8. Get 1/2 tsp Sal
Steps to make Arroz con coco y camarones secos:
  1. Sofreir en aceite de oliva la cebolla, tomate y el perejil por 5 minutos y luego agregar los camarones secos y cocinar por 10 minutos. Agregar un poco de agua si es necesario. Agregar sal al gusto.
  2. Agregar el arroz y la leche de coco y mezclar.
  3. Revolver hasta que el arroz este cocido.
  4. Puede acompañarse con un filete de pescado, recomiendo la receta "marinade fish".

El arroz con camarones es una receta ideal para ocasiones especiales como reuniones familiares, aniversarios. Receta de Arroz con camarones y coco, con los ingredientes cebolla, pimienta, leche, pimiento, coco y arroz para su preparación. Agregar el tomate y el pimiento cortados en cubitos y dejar cocinar unos minutos. Echar la la leche de coco, el coco rallado y el arroz. Agregar la leche de coco, el arroz y el caldo de pescado, revolver.

If you find this Arroz con coco y camarones secos recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.